What Kept Me Busy? Part 2

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I thought of diving this topic into two posts so that I don’t bombard you with a lot of text. And I know for sure that this series will continue for the next months too.

In last October I joined an online Fashion Course with a duration of 12 weeks. I and the other students were tasked with a weekly challenge with a different topic each week. It was one interesting homework that I truly enjoyed doing. You know when you let your creativity and ideas just flow and take control … yeah, it was such a thing.

My schedule wasn’t too crowded in October so I had more time to spend on the challenges. However, in November it was completely different. Sometimes I just don’t want to remember how busy I was last month. I had to prepare for the DAI festival, and to my luck I had to pay the dentist a couple of visits where he suggested I get rid of my wisdom teeth. And this alone was a big story. Not to mention the emergencies that occur without a prior notice, as well as social gatherings. I also got invited to attend my friend’s book signing session and I had to stay active in social media. I have two different accounts to handle and multiple websites to manage. So imagine how my life was. I certainly don’t want to remember that time of the year.

Let me stop ranting for a bit so I can get back to the main topic of this post.

Breath in, breath out … Here it goes!

I won’t go through the whole theme and process thing but I’ll show you some of my own designs and ideas.



Instagram: Anwaar.saleh

Snapchat: Artistakw